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What the Bible Says about the Afterlife
I’ve been a pastor for twenty years. If there’s one thing people have questions about, it’s the afterlife. If there’s one thing people...

Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
#GC2019 Interview Roundup (#UMC)
The first one was came on The Kuyperian Commentary and was hosted by Pastor Uri Brito. You can listen here. The second interview came in...

Matt O'Reilly
3 min read
The Myth of Neutrality (#OneChurchPlanMyths #UMC)
Among other things, this plan would remove the current restrictions on UMC clergy and churches from blessing same-sex unions. It would...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
John Wesley on Voting (and American Politics)
To state the obvious, American politics are polarized. That polarization has cultivated a lack of civility. That incivility has resulted...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Book Notice: Beauty, Order, and Mystery: A Christian Vision of Human Sexuality (@cenpastheo, @IVPAca
“Pastors minister; theologians seek-and minister-understanding. Ministering understanding of how the Bible addresses real-world issues is...

Matt O'Reilly
4 min read
Community is messy, but lines are essential (#umc, @spiritchatter, @huffpost)
Official statements abound in the wake of last week’s Judicial Council ruling on the consecration as bishop of Karen Oliveto by the...

Matt O'Reilly
4 min read
No Celibacy in Singleness? Taking Responsibility in the #UMC
The United Methodist corner of the social media world is in a kerfuffle. “Why?” you ask. Good question. It’s because of a blog post...

Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
Introducing the So What? Podcast (@sowhat_podcast)
I’m excited to share with readers that I’ve recently begun contributing to the So What? Podcast, which is produced by People of Mars Hill...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Turn Up the Heat: #PlannedParenthood is on the Ropes (#DefundPP #ProtestPP)
The Wall Street Journal is reporting today that Planned Parenthood has decided to stop “taking reimbursements for procuring fetal...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
If We Do Not Repent (#PPSellsBabyParts)
Many of us thought it couldn’t get worse than seeing a medical doctor swill her wine and crunch her croutons while speaking of “less...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Sales get negotiated. Reimbursements? Not so much. #PPSellsBabyParts
You’ve probably seen the second undercover video of a senior Planned Parenthood executive haggling over the price of aborted baby parts...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
An Open Letter to @UnitedWay #UnitedWayHelpsPP #PPSellsBabyParts
Planned Parenthood is on their heels in light of the recent videographic evidence that they are engaged in the illegal and ghoulish...

Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
Why is @StemExpress a Legal Company? #PPSellsBabyParts @EdStetzer
StemExpress is a multi-million dollar company that supplies human blood, tissue products, primary cells and other clinical specimens to...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Animal Rights vs. Human Rights: An Unfortunate Juxtaposition #PPSellsBabyParts
I came across an article last night reporting on a letter from Brad Pitt to the CEO of Costco calling upon the company to stop selling...

Matt O'Reilly
3 min read
Does the Devil Blush? 5 Points on the #PlannedParenthood Video
You’ve probably seen the widely shared video of a Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Medical Director at Planned Parenthood, nonchalantly...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Read This Book: Awakening Wonder by @DrTurleyTalks (@ClassicalAcadPr)
“There is no argument against beauty.” -Peter Kreeft It has become increasingly clear to me in recent years that North American...
Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
Here’s My New Seven Minute Seminary: Why Justification by Faith Matters (@OfficialSeedbed)
Here’s my latest contribution to the Seven Minute Seminary project at This one is on the pastoral importance of the doctrine...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
United Methodists deserve more from Mefford, GBCS (@umreporter, #UMC)
You may have heard about a United Methodist leader mocking participants in the recent March for Life. Bill Mefford, who is the Director...

Matt O'Reilly
3 min read
Four Thoughts on the Four Virtues
Upon the recommendation of a very good friend, I began reading through Joseph Pieper’s The Four Cardinal Virtues. Not surprisingly, the...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Keep Up the Good Work: Criminal Mercy in South Florida
The governing authorities are the servants of God to uphold what is good and right. But sometimes the servants get wrong. Bad wrong....

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
A Prayer for Those Who Govern
The government in the U.S. is in the midst of a significant transformation after yesterday’s election. And it’s a good time for the...
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