How to Kill Sin Now
The State of New Testament Studies: A Quick Review
Not Rapture, Rescue (It’s Good to Be Left Behind)
Deep Happiness, John Wesley, and the Beatitudes
Introducing the So What? Podcast (@sowhat_podcast)
Easter Means Mission
Here’s My New Seven Minute Seminary: Resurrection and the Christian Afterlife (@OfficialSeedbe
New Podcast: Body of Christ, Bread of Life @StMarkMobile #UMC
3 Reasons for Reading Backwards with Richard Hays (@Baylor_Press)
Does the Doctrine of the Trinity Matter? @OfficialSeedbed #7MinuteSeminary
Epiphany and Gospel-Passion for the Nations
Around the Links: The Virgin Birth (@LarryWHurtado @triablogue @ScotMcKnight @DouglasWils)
The Desire of God
Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?
Enemy Love and the Challenge of Holiness (#andcanitbe)
360-Degree Holiness: @calvintsamuel Lectures @WesleyBiblical (#andcanitbe)
The Promise of Peace: Christmas in the Wake of Tragedy
Advent and the Reality of the Kingdom
Understanding the Little Apocalypse: Three things to remember about Matthew 24
Inerrancy and Interpretation (2): More on the Licona Controversy
Catching a Fresh Vision of Faith