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What the Bible Says about the Afterlife
I’ve been a pastor for twenty years. If there’s one thing people have questions about, it’s the afterlife. If there’s one thing people...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
How Wesleyans Understand Salvation: A Conversation with Bill Ury (Wesley Wednesday)
A lot of people know Wesleyans (or Methodists) tend to talk about salvation in terms of prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace....

Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
Why Calvinism Misunderstands Biblical Election: What about Romans 9?
A lot of people assume Romans 9 obviously teaches the Calvinist doctrine of unconditional election. They think it means that God selected...

Matt O'Reilly
4 min read
35 Axioms of Wesleyan Theology
As a pastor, I frequently encounter questions about how to understand salvation and grace. The nature and scope of Christ's saving work...

Matt O'Reilly
3 min read
Five Points John Calvin Got Wrong about Romans 9
Romans 9 is often taken as obvious scriptural evidence for a Calvinist (or Reformed) understanding of election and salvation. Named for...

4 min read
From Grand Deposit to Poor Farce? Chris Lohrstorfer on Recovering Biblical Holiness
Dr. Chris Lohrstorfer is Associate Professor of Wesleyan Theology at Wesley Biblical Seminary and Senior Pastor at Hinds Independent...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Announcement: Major New Book on American Methodism from Kevin Watson
Have you seen this major new book on American Methodism?

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Important New Resource for the Wesleyan-Methodist Tradition
Check out this new resource from leading Wesleyan scholars.

Matt O'Reilly
3 min read
Did John Calvin Teach Christian Perfection (or Entire Sanctification)?
The answer surprised me. Check out these quotes from Calvin on Christian perfection and entire sanctification.

Matt O'Reilly
3 min read
Why C.S. Lewis Was Not A Calvinist
From time to time, someone will (oddly) suggest that C. S. Lewis was a Calvinist. Douglas Wilson did it. Then he did it again....

Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
John Wesley on his Assurance of Salvation (#AldersgateDay)
On this day in 1738, John Wesley had an experience for which he'd been longing and that became crucial for the continued vitality of the...

Matt O'Reilly
8 min read
How Romans 9-11 (and Romans 8) Make Me Arminian
Calvinism doesn't have a monopoly on Romans 9-11. Here's an Arminian approach.
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